Our Real Estate Agents can help you find Condos for sale in Gainesville Florida Condos are very popular in Gainesville because the college student population. Presently about ninety thousand in a community of three hundred thousand. It is wise to recognize the needs of the students. Builders have responded to the demand for student friendly condos and have built condos to provide those needs. Condos are attractive to students because many students do not want the responsibility of property up keep such as repairs and lawn maintenance. Living in a condo eliminates the responsibility of outside maintenance those are usually handled by an association. There are also the amenities condos often have great amenities such as pools, computer labs, tennis courts, gyms and other bells and whistles. If there is an interest for sports like soccer, baseball, archery, equine activities we can help.
I often get a call from a parent that is having a son or daughter moving to Gainesville and they have just had an epiphany if they buy a condo with multiple bedrooms and baths their child can rent the extra rooms and live rent free while attending college. It is such a good idea that a number of builders have built to suit that exact need. There are a number of condos that are 4/4 it makes a very usable space allowing for each bedroom to have a private bath then a common kitchen, laundry room and a living room.
That is a big thing most students prefer not to share the bathroom and this solution addresses that concern. Some parents keep one of the bedrooms for those times they come into town to spend time. The ability to share a condo during the school year is a great opportunity for students. There is also the safety concern students can pick whom they share the condo with and there is safety in numbers.
Another popular condo acquisition is for Gator Game Days graduates like to come into town and not have to worry about hotels rooms. It is very convenient to come into town and have a place to come to that is like home no reservation required. All around condos are a good investment.
We can help you find a condo from a one/one to four/four your choice. Some of our customers are investors and ask us to property manage for them and we are happy to do so.
If what you are looking for is to buy or sell a condo we can help. Our team of Real Estate Agents have the experience and are familiar with the local market. We will help you save time and money. Our systems and methods are here to help and protect you we will help you every step of the way. Just give us a call.